Our patients’ lives can sometimes be messy and complicated. In seeking to meet those who walk through our doors at the point of their needs, it can sometimes seem messy, confusing, and complicated for us, too! How do we stay true to our values while at the same time encountering the reality of our patients’ broken hearts…
Best Practices
Tips for Working from Home
As the shelter-in-place orders spread across the nation at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people found themselves having to work at home instead of in their normal place of work. In this broadcast, Beth Chase and Jaime Wright shared their best tips for working from home.
12 Biggest Mistakes PMC’s Make On Their Client Websites: Part Two
Part Two of an in depth training by Beth Chase and Jaime Wright.
12 Biggest Mistakes PMC’s Make On Their Client Websites; Extended Q&A
Bonus extended Q&A session with Beth Chase and Jaime Wright
12 Biggest Mistakes PMC’s Make On Their Client Websites: Part One
Part One of an in depth training by Beth Chase and Jaime Wright.
Credentialing and Privileging of Medical Professionals
Lorraine Mazurek’s training on credentialing and privileging for pregnancy medical clinics. Click here to download the slides and documents.