Study from the Evidence-Based Medicine Notebook on patient decision aids. Click here to learn more about decision aids.
Client Services
Lessons from the National Abortion Federation
Click here to view and download the NAF Decision Aid. The National Abortion Federation Decision Aid is a tool mentioned by Beth Chase in her recent webinar on decision aids for PMCs. This document, though obviously biased in support of abortion, gives an interesting glimpse into the kind of counseling women experience at Planned…
The Power of a Decision Tool in your PMC
Beth Chase’s training on this powerful linear tool. Click here to download slides. Click here for the Ottowa Decision Aid, pages one and two. Click here for the NAF decision aid.
Abortion: A Failure To Communicate
By Paul Swope, April 1998 This classic article is one of the first to apply the psychology of decision making to the abortion issue. Research shows that most people make major decisions, such as the decision to abort, based on emotions rather than facts. Here are three more important takeaways: -As much as we might…
Teens Are In Crisis
While the nature of your work extends to young women and men in crisis pregnancy situations, you no doubt realize that the very people you’re serving are dealing with much more than pregnancy in their young lives. Not only might they be affected by sexual health issues, they could also be struggling from issues related…
Winning Telephone Techniques
Lorraine Mazurek’s training on clinic telephone techniques and protocols. As is always possible with live events, we experienced some internet connection issues which lead to losing audio for a few short stretches of time. We apologize for the inconvenience! Click here to download the presentation slides.