Attorney Virginia (Ginny) Cronin discusses various considerations when deciding how your PMC is going to respond the COVID-19 resurgence and vaccine mandates. The discussion heavily focuses on the employer/employee relationship.Presentation Slides: COVID-Webinar-Slides-8122021Download
Issues and Considerations in Developing a COVID-19 Vaccine Policy
In this webinar, attorney Virginia (Ginny) Cronin walks you through issues and considerations you should be thinking about when developing a COVID-19 vaccine policy for your PMC.Resource Link:U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws
Executive Strategy Round Table: Momentum
Topic:The Principle of Momentum With Donors and Clients: What’s Working and What’s Not WorkingMomentum in the right direction is critical to the success of any organization. This broadcast was a high-level round table discussion with CEOs/Executive Directors about what is working and not working to build positive momentum in their PMC.
Paycheck Protection Act Considerations and Anticipating a Future Audit
Attorney Virginia (Ginny) Cronin shares with PMC Network members recent developments and her recommendations regarding the Paycheck Protection Program and how you can be prepared for a possible future audit.
Emerging Legal Issues for Your Pregnancy Center and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Virginia (Ginny) Cronin, Attorney (763) 560-5700As pregnancy centers continue to provide essential services across the country, it is crucial to develop and engage in appropriate protective measures specific to COVID-19 not only to protect your clients, volunteers, and employees but also to help reduce your legal risks. Historically, some state courts have long recognized that…
COVID-19 Reaching Clients Using A Mobile App
Mark Chase shares how you can continue reaching clients through a mobile app during COVID-19.Download the presentation slides