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As a subscriber to the PMC Network online reference library, you will have discounts to courses, webinars, telecasts, and other services provided by the expert Network Service Providers and free access to hundreds of blogs, articles, white papers, podcasts, virtual conferences/workshops, organizational assessments, and trainings.
You will have discounted access to our experts in HR, HIPAA, AAAHC, risk management, website and graphic design, and nonprofit governance, finance, fundraising, client marketing, etc.
Benefits include free organizational assessments in HIPAA, overall level of risk, board knowledge, infrastructure, team building, leadership development, website risk, IT security, etc.
The content reference library will be updated monthly with topics including:
- Donor and Client Web Development & Advanced SEO Strategies
- Donor Management Systems (HIPAA compliant)
- Governance
- Board Development
- Strategic Planning
- Graphic Design
- HIPAA Training
- Legal Issues
- Medical Team Training
- State Specific Privacy and Security Regulations
- Internet Security and Risk Management Issues (HIPAA compliant)
- Leadership Development