MEMBERS ONLY. Join this important discussion with attorney Virginia (Ginny) Cronin to review important changes to employment laws.
Legal Notices You Should Have on Your Website
MEMBERS ONLY. Do you know what types of notices and policies you should legally have on your PMC website?
Protecting Patient Privacy
MEMBERS ONLY. In our post-Roe world, what do you need to do to protect patient privacy? Attorney Virginia Cronin will be sharing her thoughts on this subject as well as considerations your PMC should be evaluating.
The Supreme Court Decision and Its Impacts on PMCs
Attorney Virginia Cronin discussed the Supreme Court Decision, along with updated legal steps that PMCs should take. The conversation included topics such as safety policies, liability concerns with safety teams, protestors, and more.Presentation SlidesPost Dobbs World Webinar SlidesDownloadReplay Options: Video or Audio The Supreme Court Decision and Its Impact on PMCs
The Supreme Court Decision and Its Impact on PMCs
MEMBERS ONLY. Attorney Virginia Cronin will discuss the Supreme Court Decision, along with updated legal steps that PRC should take. The conversation will include topics such as safety policies, liability concerns with safety teams, protestors, and more.
Legal Dynamics of Changing Prescription Laws
MEMBERS ONLY: Join Attorney Virginia (Ginny) Cronin as she discusses the legal dynamics of changing prescription laws that allow for greater access to prescribed drugs (such as the abortion pill) and the growth of telemedicine services.