In today’s political climate, pregnancy centers are being accused of collecting and abusing client/patient information. To stand up to these allegations, you need to understand what activities are occurring on your website and which notices you’re required to have in place on your website to inform your website visitors of those activities. In this webinar,…
Legal Notices You Should Have on Your Website
MEMBERS ONLY. Do you know what types of notices and policies you should legally have on your PMC website?
Hot Topics: Your Website & The ADA
Concerns about online accessibility have increased over the past year as communities and online audiences have called for greater inclusion, diversity, and accessibility across all platforms. In this webinar, Jaime Wright of Embellish Marketing discusses what you should be aware of regarding this topic.Resources:Your Website & The ADA Presentation SlidesDownloadResources for Website AccessibilityDownload
Website Do’s and Don’ts
Beth Chase and Jaime Wright discuss what they describe as the “do’s” and “don’ts” for pregnancy medical clinic websites. If you haven’t updated your clinic’s website in awhile, you’ll want to watch this replay for important information.Download the presentation slides: Website Do’s and Don’tsDownloadPurchase the Client Website Blunders eBook
Webinar: Website Do’s and Don’ts
MEMBERS ONLY: Join Beth Chase and Jaime Wright to learn what they describe as the “do’s” and “don’ts” for pregnancy medical clinic websites. If you haven’t updated your clinic’s website in awhile, you’ll want to join us for some timely information.
New Website Tour
Jaime Wright of Embellish Marketing provides a tour of the brand new PMC Network membership website.